Thursday, May 20, 2010

Guess Who's Coming To Dallas...?

Lebron to the Mavs'? 

You think I'm crazy? Well, maybe I am. But maybe, just maybe...its a lunatic your lookin' for! I can't say for sure that Lebron will be a Mav by the end of July, but I can tell you this: contrary to popular belief the Mavs' have way more than enough assets and financial ability to make a legit play for Lebron in the coming weeks/months. Dallas has the tools, and has the lure. All that remains is to see if Dallas is Lebron's destination of choice. If Lebron says; "I want to be a Maverick!" The Kings will be done. Simple as that! 

Dallas has a 13+ million dollar instant expiring contract with Erick Dampier (which gives the team he's traded to that much in salary savings) to bargain with. Along with prospects, and role players of sorts. The really only unfortunate thing would be having to give up guys like Caron Butler or (especially) Roddy B. But if it were to bring Lebron James to could the Mavs' pass that one up? They couldn't! And I don't think that anyone here will criticize them for doing so. 

Is it likely that Lebron wants to play for Dallas? I can't read his mind, but I can give you a list of reasons why (anyone, but especially) Lebron would love to play for big D. Here are my reasons: 

Reason #1: Dirk Nowitzki. My question to the media and the people around the league that have this notion that Lebron is going to New York is this: "Why would Lebron want to start from scratch again and rebuild a franchise?" Honestly, he just got finished doing that in Cleveland and in the end it didn't really pan out quite as well as he'd hoped. The problem was, Cleveland was never able to surround Lebron with quality guys who took pressure off of him. Heck, there were times when other teams could put 3 guys on Lebron and not have to worry about the other Cavilers players because they weren't any kind of threat. Put Lebron on a team with a guy like Dirk to help shoulder the load...why is there any reason to assume they can't go all the way together. Besides, Dirk has a positive attitude and is probably THE most humble athlete of all time, he would never try to take the spotlight away from Lebron.

It also makes sense because Lebron is a guy who creates his own shots. He can drive, penetrate, spot up, or do just about anything else he wants...the problem with him going to Miami is the fact that D-Wade wants the ball on every possession. When would Lebron get his shots? And if he does take shots, how many will he take before D-Wade gets cranky about someone else stealing the show? He'd never have that problem with Dirk. Nowitzki has been and always will be a very humble and gracious teammate. Letting Lebron do what he does best and then taking his opportunities to do what he does best is just the ticket for Dirk, and he knows this! 

Reason #2: Jason Kidd. Is there anyone in the NBA who would say "No I do not want to play with Jason Kidd." The list of those guys is very very short. And Lebron is not on it. Lebron and Kidd won a Gold Medal together in the Olympics...remember? The next season when Kidd was trying to get out of Jersey Lebron was begging Cleveland to make a deal to land Kidd there! Instead Dallas was lucky enough to have Dirk and Kidd both wanting to play with each other enough so Kidd came here. But that doesn't mean that Lebron isn't still dying to play with a pass first point guard, who will be a hall of famer, who is unselfish,  and wants to win NOW as bad as anyone in the NBA. Why would Lebron turn down the opportunity to take passes from one of the greatest passers in the history of basketball? Right now Lebron leads his team in assists. Thats really mental. Why does Lebron lead the Cavs' in points, rebounds, and assists? Because the next best thing they've got up there is Mo Williams. Not what you'd call pass first and not what you'd call a great shooter. He's developed ok, but take Lebron away from Mo, and your left with a guy who probably shouldn't be the starter on a championship contending team. 

Reason #3: Money. The common misconception is that Dallas can't pay Lebron as much as other teams can. And quite frankly thats total bull. See, Dallas not only has the ability to pay Lebron as much as other teams, Dallas can pay Lebron the maximum any team can pay Lebron. I'll run through it really quickly: Dallas has Erick Dampier, Damps final year of his contract is 'not' guaranteed, therefore Dallas can offer him to Cleveland for Lebron along with some other baggage and when the Cavs' receive big Damp they can Waive the end saving the Cavs' about 13.8 mil. from their salary. Its an "instant expiring" contract. Its ingenious and Donnie Nelson and Mark Cuban have been working this angle for years...and its been paying off well, and this year it just might pay off enormously. The thing that Damps contract does is give the other team an incentive while also clearing salary room for Dallas to pay Lebron because of this: The Cavs' would in the situation above, sign Lebron before they traded him to Dallas hence the term "Sign and Trade". The reason for this is the NBA rules say that any trade made via Sign and Trade must include both parties receiving "near" equal amounts of salary in return. In other words, you couldn't send a 2 million dollar player to one team for a 15 million dollar player. So Dallas sends Damps 13.8 to Cleveland for Lebrons fresh new 16.2 (give or take a hundred thou) which keeps Dallas from breaching any salary cap issues. Therefore, Dallas has more than enough money to pay Lebron. The max he can get is 125 million over 6 years and Dallas can give him just that! 

Reason #4: State Income Tax. Speaking of 125 million dollars...why not have all of that (state) tax free? When Mark Cuban is on the phone with Lebrons people don't you think he's going to say, "hey by the way, the money that I'm paying you is free of state income taxes...which means you get to keep more because you live and work in Texas". Trust me, that is a selling point. And it will be discussed by Lebron and his people. 

Reason #5: The Dallas Cowboys. Turns out, Lebron is a huge Cowboy fan. And it also turns out that the Cowboys have a brand spanking new incredible house to play in. Wait...wouldn't it be just awesome if Lebron was able to attend almost every Cowboys game? Oh, and wait...wouldn't it be even more awesome if Lebron got to play there himself? On the biggest Sports stage in the world Lebron could bask in the glory while playing IN Cowboys Stadium? Apparently there are several games scheduled to be played in Cowboys Stadium. Lebron wants to be center stage for that, doesn't he? Plus, in his spare time he can chill with Jerry Jones and Mark Cuban and they are two of the richest people you can find, they know how to make money and market things better than anyone...Lebron would be surrounded by billionaires who want nothing more than to market him. 

Reason#6: Championships. The biggest reason that Lebron should come play for the Mavs is this: Dallas has a team already built to win and built to win NOW. My biggest complaint is the fact that if Lebron goes to New York he's going down a road that he's already been down. Rebuild a franchise from the bottom...again? Didn't he just try that in Cleveland? It didn't work! Why waist the rest of your career trying to teach kids to play again? He's not going to New Jersey, they suck! He's not going to New York...they SUCK! He's not going to Miami...They aren't that good, and D-Wades a spot-light hog (not to mention a ball hog)! He's not going to the Clippers...why would he want to be the second best player in LA??...oh and THEY SUCK! He wont go to Sacramento, he wont go to Golden State, he wont go to Philly, and he wont go to Milwaukee or Minnesota! Why? BECAUSE THEY ALL SUCK! I believe this: I've said it a million times...Lebron wants to stay in Cleveland. Heck, he's from Akron! Its his home state...his home states basketball team drafted him and he's always been close to home and loved it. I believe that getting ousted from the playoffs so quickly and easily will make him think twice about re-upping with Cleveland. I think he wants to win a championship and I think this year he thought they were going to...and last year and the year before they had a legit shot and heck, the year before that they were in the finals (they got swept by San Antonio)...but the problem now is that they still haven't won. Lebron wants his legacy to be that of MJ's and Kobe's and Shaqs and Magics and Bird's and Oscar Robertsons and Bill Russells. He wants to be spoken of in that group of greats. In his heart thats what he wants. He wants to be there and win there. But I think he's starting to believe he will never win in Cleveland. Therefore it is time for a change. A change that will allow him to win now.

I think he will consider the Bulls. Chicago is a place that has carried the greatest legacy of all time and he knows winning there could be incredible. However, the only problem with that is...Chicago IS and ALWAYS will be someone else's team. Jordan owns that town and Lebron would only be playing in Jordan's shadow. Unless Lebron would go on to win 7 championships there, he would never even be considered the greatest player in Chicago, let alone the world. He doesn't want to play in someones shadow. 

The more I think about this and the more I truly look at the situation...the more I feel and believe that Lebron will somehow be drawn to Dallas. I can't help but think that its something that nobody expects him to do, but if he leaves Cleveland and everyone is expecting him to go to Miami or New York or Chi town...wont he want to create some breaking news that will shock the world? Think about the outcry if he came to Dallas. People would be so confused and fascinated...he'd be the talk of the sporting world for a long time. But aside from that aspect I keep going over the numbers and the situation and Dallas could be the perfect fit for Lebron in every way. He'd play with Dirk, Kidd, Marion, and Terry...Guys that are as thirsty and hungry to win as he is. He'd get to be a part of a franchise that has the reputation as one of the best and most well run franchise in all of sports...a "players franchise". He would be a part of a city that is big and comfortable and is home to the greatest and most recognizable football team in the world. 

Look, the reasons are endless and the Mavs DO have the ability to go after Lebron. The only question is, can we persuade Lebron to want to come here? Many have already took notice of the opportunity and gotten started on the persuasion process. Check this out: 

I don't know how it will work out, although I've got some speculation coming soon. But I do know that its possible so keep your fingers crossed and toss up a Hail Mary...and maybe, just maybe...Lebron James will be in a Maverick uniform by the end of the summer. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Romo Watch: Golfing Again?

There has been much criticism the last few years directed at Tony Romo due to his love for the game of golf. I personally do not have any qualms with Romo playing as much golf as he wants. It is in fact a great way to clear one’s mind and rejuvenate yourself. The golf course is a great place for a man to think and figure things out. Even if Romo did make the PGA and had an opportunity to play in a tournament during the NFL off season...why does that have to mean that he "isn't focused" or that he's "never going to win"? 

Tony Romo is a competitor and competitors compete! "I'm a football player. I love football. It's fun to play football," Romo said. "Once in a while, I get out, and I love competition whether it's golf, basketball or ping pong. Whatever it is, it's enjoyable to compete. On a daily basis, I'm always competing with myself, but it's nice to be able to beat someone else once in a while. That's what we get when we get out here in practice in football today.”  I fancy myself a "competitor" of sorts, although I do not possess the natural physical ability to compete at a high level of the sports I dearly love...I will pretty much get into a fistfight over a staring contest. But in all seriousness, I hate losing! And I love a challenge, and I'd do almost anything to win at just about anything. I know a lot of people that are like this...why is Romo different? Because he's the quarterback of the most recognizable football team in the world? (American offense to World Cup people...hurray, score more than a goal a game and I might be interested!) 

Look, Romo is as competitive as anyone and golf is very challenging and apparently he's quite good. Good enough to almost make the cut a few times. O and by the way, you don't get to be the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys by being a chump so we know he...wait, I'm sorry...let me rephrase that: you don't get to be the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys unless your as good as names like: Meredith, Staubach, White, Aikman, and (I believe) Romo. There are the Quincy Carters, and Clint Stoerners, and the Glenn Caranos, and Ryan Leafs, and Bernie Kosars...but no one really remembers them right? 

Anyway, the point is that Romo is no chump. He know how to play football and a little offseason golf isn't going to make him forget how to throw a football or read a defense. Just like throwing a football or reading a defense doesn't make him forget how to swing a golf club. He's got just as much right to be on the golf course as anyone, and its hipocritical of anyone to criticize him for it just because he's never won a Super Bowl. Peyton Manning was in the league for almost a decade as a starting QB before he won the first of his two. O wait..I forgot, he blew it in the second won and LOST THE SUPER BOWL!! Romo has only been a starter for 4 seasons...only 4, but he didn't win the Super Bowl yet because his mind was on golf!?!

Romo is criticized for playing golf in the off season and for losing big games during the season. The fact is that he actually plays pretty well in "big" games. Actually, he plays pretty well in most games. He's had a few slip ups, and he's had a few dumb mistakes, but is that really because he played a few rounds of golf in his free time? NO! Just wait till I go off on the people that think he doesn't win because he wears his hat backwards...that'll be epic. But listen, the point I'm making is...cut the guy some slack, maybe show some support to guys like Romo and Dirk Nowitzki so that they will want to come back and play in YOUR HOME TOWN! They are some of the best in their respective businesses, it'd be a shame if they ever opted out of a contract or said "to heck with these unappreciative honks" and went and played somewhere else! 

The fact is, Romo decided to skip the qualifying rounds for the Byron Nelson PGA Tournament. Instead he chose to attend the not mandatory OTA's. That means that instead of playing golf, Tony Romo went to his Organized Team Activities! His tee time was scheduled for 9:57 Monday morning, but his teams OTA's were from 11 to 12:30. Patrick Crayton skipped, Miles Austin skipped, probably quite a few other recognized names skipped what was probably nothing more than a glorified meeting. But Tony Romo didn't skip. "It's enjoyable to play and compete [in golf], but football is the funnest thing I do by far," Romo said. "On a day like today, there's nothing else I'd rather do than be here at football competing, and that's what we get to do when we're out at practice. It's not like I missed out on something today.... There was really no decision there. For me, it was just this is what I love to do. Why would you not choose that?"  Romo honored the Dallas Cowboys and every fan that has ever criticized him for showing up as the leader of his football team, instead of playing in a very important round of golf. 

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